- College
- Work
Both of those things are so important to my daily life, one provides the knowledge that I will need in the future to move up in the workforce and my job is the funding that pays the bills, generates a savings, and provides temporary highs. But those things are the things I hate most about my life. In America, they always want you to reach for the sky, but without those things, it seems nearly impossible. I'm not sitting here saying that an education and personal funding is bad, I'm saying if your heart isn't there, how can you honestly be happy? For so many years, I have been faking it, but at this time in my life, I don't want to anymore. I want to be serious about the things that I get enjoyment out of. These for example:
- Art
- Novels
- Screenwriting
- Music
- Dancing
- Fashion design
- Production
- Generally, entrepreneurship
If I were to get serious about those things, I would have something on the side lines from typical life to look to doing, but without those, I honestly think life is not worth living. But along with those things, confidence is also needed, I guess that's where my weight loss issue comes into play. "She's cute for a fat girl" just keeps playing in my mind over and over, why can't I just be cute?! Why can't I stop telling myself that I'm fat either? UGH. I need to self evaluate for the hundredth time. Maybe one day, things will be clear. Wish me luck. XOXO

And that’s why I started crying after watching Stardust a few hours ago. The storyline is quite cute even though it was completely false. The main male character, Tristan, was chasing after a girl that in like modern times, was looking for a mate that well endowed with money. Tristan, being a shop boy, didn’t have money so in order to win her love, he made a promise to capture a fallen star, cleverly falling at the exact moment the king of Stormhold died and his sons had to find a ruby in order to be king. But the star was just a piece of a rock, but a girl named Yvaine. Tristan’s father gives him a present from his mother, who is absent, which holds a magical candle which when lit will take you to any place you think of, taking Tristan to the star where he finds the girl. So after finding “the star”, they set off on the journey to take Yvaine back to his false love promising Yvaine that she can return back to her home in the sky with the last of the magical candle. But along the way, the two face trouble with a group of witches bent on eating Yvaine’s heart for immortality and youth and the band of brothers bent on becoming king. In the end, the band of brothers die, some at their own doing because if there is only one brother left, he becomes king, and the group of witches die because of course, they’re evil and they have to. But in the killing the last witch, the love that Yvaine had for Tristan allowed her to glow so bright, that it made the witch explode, because that’s what stars do, they glow (a little phrase they caught saying throughout the movie). And come to find out that Tristan’s mother was the only daughter of the Stormhold kingdom making Tristan it’s sole heir and him being king with a star as his bride. Also he one-upping the bitch who he was originally chasing before all the killing started lol. At the end of the movie, his mother gives him and his bride one magical candle for their wedding gift and used it when their grandchildren got older and went back to the sky to live “happily ever after” together. Now you would think that at the end of the story, I would be smiling and laughing but I was crying.
At first I was confused but then like lighting, it hit me, that’s what I want. Because “happily ever after” is not about sex, money, or the amount of friends you have, but about sharing your life with someone who gets you more than you get yourself. Someone willing to be there will things are rough and still wanting to be with you. Someone you can laugh with or even die with and say “My life is worth so much more with you”. And that’s why I was crying because I do not have that. That external feeling, sometimes madly and painful thing we call love. Some many times in today’s world, the word love is sugar coated or misused to describe temporary highs or momentary satisfaction of a person or object. But that is not love. And that’s why my life is so sad. You may think I am crazy for basing so much of life on a silly phrase and concept but that is who I am. I willing and fully accept that the #1 thing to make me happy is love and a family.
Now if you could turn that into a career, I would not mind working or going to school all for the meaning and being in love.
I just want people to be happy and stop making excuses because they are worth so much more. And they will get much more when they see that even if the issue is small, it can pontentially lead to something that can destroy you. I myself also have to stop making excuses and it comes with baby steps and for those people, admitting the problem is the first step.
Wow, that was a true back stabber right there. No matter how trusting you are, there will always be someone who will screw you over in the long run. But it is a game, so can we really be mad at her? A little part of you inside would have done the same thing because you're human.
Okay Mr. Judge, let me plead my case to the world. I'm a bitch in the morning when I haven't had enough sleep, drool on my pillow from the stupid dream I'm waking up from. I'm not the cleanest person stepping into my shoes as I get out of bed and a pair of jeans hanging off my bed post. I hate poppy music in the morning in less it's from my own choice because the vibrations make me irritated. I rather not go to school because I'm not learning anything, it's all about memorization. Every person I see in the morning, I have evil thoughts of killing them because they seem too happy at such an early hour. I'm not the nicest person to get along with because I'm either disconnected and don't give a fuck or I care too much. I have insecurities and tendencies that draw people away from me because they are not brave enough to understand. I dance around in my underwear when I'm feeling pretty and plaster makeup and perfume on my body because I feel the need. I stare at myself in the mirror way too long when I like what I see, sick little part of me thinks I'm that bitch. I like seeing certain people fail because their heads are too high in the clouds or stuck up someone's arse. My soul smiles when the rich go to jail for being greedy and when the underdog wins. My greatest fear is being alone in a room full of people I know but no one says hello. I've been struggling with weight for 5 years now and I'm still fat saying fuck it. I start things and never finish them because I fail at something in the process or someone rejected it. I give up easily because I don't see the point of making a fool out of myself, or am I the only one that thinks that. My breath isn't the most lovely in the morning and I don't always smell the best. I can't fit a size 8 because I love Krispy Kreme. I get mad easily when no one seems to care or when I think they don't. I like sitting in the rain because it gives me a numb feeling reminding me that I am alive.And yes, I'm not the best at relationships because I always think something is wrong, always the over achiever and never the winner. Thinking too much is the problem but I can't seem to stop thinking. So Mr. Judge, over and over again, I am gulity as charged.
Well well well, I have a youtube account
Displays some random days in my life
Shared with some loved ones
You should check it out
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Doing whatever it takes is the only option. And for the first time in my life, I feel like this is my only chance to actually make something of myself instead of just sitting around and looking "cute". The quiet chick. The socially awkward chick. The serious chick. Sure these things are me but I want to be more. I want to be extra. Give it my all instead of 50% all the time. I need to be my own inspiration and stop waiting for people to rescue me. Like Mr. Bruce said today, no one is sitting around saying they are going to make my life better. I wanna be an author yet I'm not writing anything toward it. I wanna a degree in Business yet I'm still sitting doing random things and not my school work. Just like high school. And where did that take me, to a school which I don't even like. But life is not over and I'm not going to sit here and complain every chance that I get. I just have to do my research and my homework and background information to become the best I can be. It's the only way possible. And understand that it takes time. Nothing happens over night and coming from where I come from, which is the bottom, it's going to take blood and sweat to get to the top. And I'm going to do what it takes.
For the longest time, I was always wondered what I wanted to do in life. In starting school, your teacher always expected answers from you even though you knew nothing of the subject. Case and point, I aspired to be a doctor. Now at the age of 20, I faint at the sight of blood, my work ethnics are not the best for my second year in college, and hospitals period bores me beyond belief. I had no idea what I wanted to do in high school, being caught up in alternative rock, pop artists and a growing obsession of graphic images called Anime. All I had to work with was my love of music and art. Not much has changed but the years passing by and the growing need to grow up in society and stop playing games. So I have sat down and compiled a list of hopeful and somewhat practical goals that I want to accomplish in 10 years time. The ultimate goal for my life, a really clique one at that, is to raise a family with a loving husband while doing a job that I love and am good at. But the issue is finding that job. Incorporating the love of music and art with compassion for people. Hm. Difficult. So after some soul searching, I have come up with a list: a real estate agent or broker, a guidance counselor, event planner, voice over artist, cartoonist, or a writer. Most of these jobs can not provide a stable living which I'm looking for but I have the most passion for these things. That is why I decided, FINALLY, that I would want to do these things on the side with a practical career such as real estate. Real estate seems to be the answer because I watch HGTV all day and having fun helping people find what they love whether it be a house or a certain subject. So after some years of false hopes and dreams, I have found something to look forward, my future. And starting today, I'm going to work on my writing while in college to start me off. Wish me luck.