
Holy crap...really...

For the longest time, I was always wondered what I wanted to do in life. In starting school, your teacher always expected answers from you even though you knew nothing of the subject. Case and point, I aspired to be a doctor. Now at the age of 20, I faint at the sight of blood, my work ethnics are not the best for my second year in college, and hospitals period bores me beyond belief. I had no idea what I wanted to do in high school, being caught up in alternative rock, pop artists and a growing obsession of graphic images called Anime. All I had to work with was my love of music and art. Not much has changed but the years passing by and the growing need to grow up in society and stop playing games. So I have sat down and compiled a list of hopeful and somewhat practical goals that I want to accomplish in 10 years time. The ultimate goal for my life, a really clique one at that, is to raise a family with a loving husband while doing a job that I love and am good at. But the issue is finding that job. Incorporating the love of music and art with compassion for people. Hm. Difficult. So after some soul searching, I have come up with a list: a real estate agent or broker, a guidance counselor, event planner, voice over artist, cartoonist, or a writer. Most of these jobs can not provide a stable living which I'm looking for but I have the most passion for these things. That is why I decided, FINALLY, that I would want to do these things on the side with a practical career such as real estate. Real estate seems to be the answer because I watch HGTV all day and having fun helping people find what they love whether it be a house or a certain subject. So after some years of false hopes and dreams, I have found something to look forward, my future. And starting today, I'm going to work on my writing while in college to start me off. Wish me luck.

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The daily mind farts of Crista Ramone from random articles on the web to everyday episodes of torment in Baltimore City. This is life uncensored, uncaring (maybe just a little bit), and unapologetic. You ready?