
Holy crap...really...

I hate when people ask me what exactly I want to do with life. I do not really have a plan for anything in my life. I have a generalization that only makes sense to me at the end of the day. When it comes to academics, sure, I want to major in Business Administration but as far as a concentration, I doubt I will ever just do one thing. I like Management. I like Marketing. I like International Business. I like Entrepreneurship. I also like Human Resource Management. When it comes to things I would like to do, there are many options. I like writing. I like fine arts. I like humanity acts. I like the idea of owning my own business. I like the idea of making dresses. But I know I can not do all of those things at once. I do not really have a plan, just a lot of ideas in my mind. I am a very general person which I am starting to realize. It's not like nothing satisfies me, but I feel as though there should be more, I should be doing more, or there should more to life than one thing. This could explain the way I was in high school. The overwhelming feeling of trying to fit in somewhere, find an identity in something instead of a general idea. A little part of me loved who I was back when I was 15 and 16 even though those were not my best hours. At least I stood for something. I was one thing. I had an identity. But now, my identity has changed but the question is to what and who? Who is Crista? I can not honestly tell you without making a list. I am not one thing and I never will be happy with being one thing. May seem unrealistic, but why lie to myself? All I know is that I have these ideas and generalizations of what life is supposed to be. It is better than having nothing in my opinion. Now if it could generate some income, then we would be in business. But life isn't over, is it?
That gives me some hope..

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The daily mind farts of Crista Ramone from random articles on the web to everyday episodes of torment in Baltimore City. This is life uncensored, uncaring (maybe just a little bit), and unapologetic. You ready?