I confess, I can be a little too much at times. I have constant mood swings that range from extremely hyper and outgoing to points where I like dark places and quite time. I can be happy one moment then burst into tears the next. So it's only fair to say that I can be too much. But the thing that gets me, and possibly you too, is the reminder that someone said that they will do something and then the next minute, they vanish. But that's not the saddest part of this story. The person doesn't even seem to realize it then you tell them and then come the excuses. "I was busy doing this, I was busy over there, or I scheduled things wrong." It's thought pattern that makes me so sick because it seems like you have to constantly be revolving around this person's life, like you don't have one of your own. One good trait that I have is the knowledge that I am not by myself in this world. Other people have problems and events they have to attend to. When you continue to let someone down, it wears on their heart to the point where they are preparing themselves for the let down. No one wants to feel like they are being taken advantage of by the fact that they will always be there. No one likes the feeling of not being able to count on someone when it counts the most, especially a significant other. It is Valentine's Day and instead of being happy and excited, I'm preparing for the disappointment. Sitting day and night wondering when his promise of changing is going to take affect and diminish this feeling of hopelessness. Love is a strong feeling but people fail to realize that doubt can break it down in so many ways.
Realized by
Crista Ramone
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