
Holy crap...really...

I want to be released from this anger, from this judgemental state, from these hindering emotions that only cause negativity. I want to rejoice in the beauty of the world, lend it my hand to help it grow and prosper instead stomping on it's innocence. This immaturity is holding me back, this anger is pushing people away, this demeanor is not pulling people closer. I am better than this, better than what I have created through tragic thought, better than what is staring back at me in the mirror. The love and compassion I so freely give should be given to myself. I am on this journey of both self discovery and self improvement to become empowered, stripped, and motivated.

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The daily mind farts of Crista Ramone from random articles on the web to everyday episodes of torment in Baltimore City. This is life uncensored, uncaring (maybe just a little bit), and unapologetic. You ready?